Kniha Early Years of Adventure: Letters & Journals


The L. Ron Hubbard Series

Here is a young L. Ron Hubbard as revealed through a rare assemblage of letters, journals and photographs—from then remote hinterlands of Caribbean isles, to his captivating voyages across the Pacific. Also included are selections from his China diaries, revealing a world of lost mystery and splendor.

Adventure, I well know, is in the heart, not in the view.

—L. Ron Hubbard

Katalógové číslo: K-ine-10DPH-EN-038 Kategórie: ,



  • The Early Letters & Journals of L. Ron Hubbard
  • A First Word on Adventure
  • Asian Diaries
    • Guam
    • Homeward-bound aboard the Nitro
  • Montana Diaries
  • The Second Asian Journal
    • The Great Wall
  • The Caribbean Letters
    • A Marine Named Faulkner
    • Letters from Puerto Rico
  • Letter from the Interior
Kniha Early Years of Adventure: Letters & Journals 2

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